Policy Resources

Policy Resources

A resource is a part of Plate functionality that a user can request access to. Resources are used in a Policy to determine the Plate functionality the policy in question is about. Each Resource type has a set of attributes that can be used inside the Condition section of the policy, to narrow down the application of the policy.

For example, if a Resource type has the attribute site_id, the condition can contain a rule site_id == 1234, which means that the policy only gets evaluated when the user tries to access a resource that has the site_id attribute set to 1234.

Go to the specific Resource pages inside this tree to read more about it, and see which attributes apply.

How to use

Inside Policy JSON, resources are notated with PlateID Resource Type notation, so without ID. The filtering of which resources are applicable in the policy is determined inside the condition block of the policy JSON.

It is also possible to use wildcards in the resource notation. For example: plateid://Content/* applies to all PlateID’s inside the Content group. plateid://Content*, applies to all plateID’s that start with Content, so also everything inside the ContentModel group.

Go to the single Resource pages in the left sidebar to see which attributes and actions are available for them.


Use a single resource PlateID, but with a wildcard.

... "statement": { ... "resource": "plateid://Content*", "condition": {...} ... }

When using multiple Resources, pass an array.

... "statement": { ... "resource": [ "plateid://Base/Attachment", "plateid://AccessControl/*" ], "condition": {...} ... }

Note that inside the conditions block, only attributes that are shared among all Resource Types will be evaluated.