This function can be called in the site’s Javascript to determine the location of the visitor of the site.
To be able to call this function, somewhere on the site {% include_plate_scripts "determine_location" %}
must be called (e.g. the head section).
Read more about include_plate_scripts
The function returns a Javascript Promise, which you can use in the following way:
(() => determineLocation()
.then(res => console.log(res.country_code))
.catch(err => console.log(err.message))
The response if successful is a JSON (returned in the then
'country_code': 'NL',
'name': 'Netherlands'
The country code is the same as defined in ISO 3166 Standard Country Codes.
If an error occurs (this will be in the catch
'message': '<error message>'
An error is returned in case the network request fails, or if the country could not be determined.